Hosted payment:
receive Tips directly on your blog/website

What is it?
The hosted payment module allows visitors of your blog or website to support you without ever leaving it. They make their payment and become your Tippers without having to go to your Tipeee page.
How does it work?
Setting up the module is very simple: you just need to embed a few lines of code where you want the module to be displayed.
You have two options for integration:
- The “Pop-in” mode: The payment module will be displayed in a pop-in window after a visitor clicks on a link of your choice.
For example when your visitors click on a “tip!” button or a “support me” link. The content of the link is fully customizable!
- The “iFrame” mode: The module will be displayed in its entirety in one of the sections of your site.
For example, on a page dedicated to community support, at the end of each article you publish, or in a static column on your site.
You will find the code for each of these modules in the “Hosted payment” section of the menu of your Creator page.
Why use the hosted payment?
By allowing your readers to support you directly on your blog or website, you multiply your chances of receiving Tips. Until now, the detour to your Creator page could be a hindrance for those who don’t know about Tipeee or who don’t have the time. Thanks to this new payment module, your community can support you without ever leaving your universe!