How to easily start your own online radio?

Before the emergence of the Internet (Do you remember?), it was very difficult to launch your own independent radio station: it required technical knowledge, a lot of investment, all for a limited broadcasting range (sometimes on the borderline of legality). Later, thanks to the evolution of digital technology and especially the development of the Internet, radio became freer and allowed all those who wanted to express their ideas in complete independence to overcome these restrictions.
Then, in the 2000s, the desire to make one’s voice heard was given a new impulse by the rise of online radio stations. Today, in addition to the historical radio stations that continue to broadcast on the AM and FM bands, listeners have a multitude of web radio stations at their disposal with a wide range of programs: music, debates, reports, call-in shows, etc. And for good reason: it has never been so easy to launch your own web radio and broadcast your content! But why? Where? How? That’s what we’ll see in this article 😉
Why start an online radio when you are a content creator?
Online radio allows everyone to get started as it is very easy to create and set up. This medium can be your main content, but it can also be a complement to your regular content, on which you can meet up with your community.
Are you a YouTuber and is music an important part of your content (topic, sound identity, etc.)? Offer your community an online radio to broadcast your own music selection. You are a sports fan, sports news has no secret for you and you would like to share this passion with other aficionados? Then, A web radio station will allow you to create your own space of free expression, and to make your community grow. You can even cover live sports events and replay the game with your subscribers!
You will be able to broadcast pre-recorded programmes as well as share moments of live interaction with your community, whether it is interviews, debates, or more informal exchanges with guests. As you can see, online radios offer a multitude of opportunities. You can broadcast and be heard anywhere in the world. The only condition is to have an Internet connection!

If you are reading this article, we assume that you are creative, passionate, and full of ideas you want to share. The choice of concept or topic is crucial: today, we notice that the most successful web radio stations often deal with a specific theme, a particular point of view or have a strong personality. This is how you will succeed in distinguishing yourself from other web radios, and how you will be able to federate a loyal and strong community.
Let’s say you’re a fan of American rap: rather than creating a radio station that will talk about and broadcast American rappers, why not focus your online radio on the history of rap in Atlanta? The major radio stations only play 1-2% of all the music in the world, much to the dismay of all those who love music that can be described as “non-commercial”. Creating a web radio station specialising in a musical genre or sub-genre that doesn’t get the exposure it deserves could bring in many fans. In this way, you are sure to attract music lovers who will follow you closely and become committed to your programming.
How to launch your own online radio?
To launch and manage your online radio, several solutions are available. One of the most user-friendly is RadioKing. This French platform offers you a complete and intuitive solution to create, broadcast and manage your own online radio. Nearly 4,000 radio stations are currently broadcast via RadioKing and are listened to several tens of millions of times a month; a true French success story as we like it!

A further advantage is that the platform allows you to test the solution and familiarise yourself with the world of web radio through a free demo. You will be able to discover its easy-to-use interface, its sound quality up to 320kbps, and all the additional services that the platform offers: your own radio website (with its own dedicated URL), a mobile application for you and your listeners, and native compatibility with speakers, TVs, cars and connected watches. To help you get started with this new format, RadioKing also offers a set of resources (articles, tutorials, videos, etc.) that are updated every week. And if you have any questions, the support team is very responsive (especially if you come on our behalf!).
To create your radio station in a few minutes on RadioKing, just click on this link and let yourself be guided:
Why create a radio station when you already have a podcast?
Some of you may already be producing a podcast, or thinking of starting one, and are wondering which format would be best suited to your community or topic. The good news is that you don’t have to choose, because a podcast and a web radio can be perfectly complementary! Having a webradio in addition to your podcast can for example allow you to put forward new types of content for your community, whether it is music, interviews, news or live broadcasts. In addition, the radio will allow you to offer live moments with guests and/or your listeners, to bring more interaction, spontaneity and improvisation than in your written and recorded formats. You can also offer an extension of your podcast episodes through your radio station, for example by hosting a debriefing show during which your community could ask you questions or give their opinions. This content can also be published as a podcast later on. Finally, on the technical side, it should be noted that a live show requires (for equivalent format requirements) the same equipment as a podcast, and little or no post-production in comparison.
Online radio, a promising medium in 2022?

In the world of content creation, the last few years have shown us that web radio is an interesting format to explore. We can see, for example, the rise of live video content, as shown by the growth of Twitch, which is now popular among videographers who are developing all sorts of new formats, focusing on the interactivity and spontaneity of live video. At the same time, audio has taken a considerable place in the French creative environment over the last few years, notably through the explosion of podcasts and audio dramas; screen-free formats, convenient to listen to on the move and in everyday activities, with low production costs.
As you can see, web radio has a bright future ahead of it, and is the point of convergence of these two new trends. Relying on this tool will allow you to develop original formats, and to establish a real dialogue between you and your fans while building a strong community of listeners. If you want to find out more, take a look at the RadioKing blog, which regularly offers extensive articles to get you started on the online radio adventure. So, is this it? Are you convinced and want to start your own radio station? Don’t forget that on Tipeee, you can get support from your listeners and gather all your communities on the same platform. In fact, don’t hesitate to take a look at our dedicated articles to discover our advice and best practices for creating, launching and managing your Tipeee page.