How to set motivating goals?

There are certainly many evolutions that you dream of for your project, if only you had the means, the time, the necessary resources… This is good news, because these ambitions will be as many reasons for your community to support you on Tipeee! There are good reasons to think that your viewers, readers, listeners, would be extremely enthusiastic about the idea of you producing even better content, why not more content, and in better conditions.
Your community comes to your Tipeee page to support you and the goals will be a tangible reason to do so. Goals can be an important motivation to Tip you, or to round up their Tip, so it’s important to spend time developing and updating the goals on your page. Here are our tips for setting a series of goals that will motivate your community to support you on Tipeee.
What are goals for?
The “Goals” block on your page allows you to draw a roadmap for the development of your project thanks to the contributions of your Tippers. Each time a Tip is made, just like your Tip counter, the progress bar of your goals will increase. Goals are therefore used to motivate your community to become Tippers on your page, by presenting the concrete benefits they could get from it.
But goals are also used to make your Tippers feel that their contribution is crucial to your project, by highlighting the tangible changes they have made.
The objectives are therefore essentially a community and collaborative tool, which will enable you to include your Tippers in the project and make them feel that they are participating with you, at your side.
What is a good goal?
A good goal will be one that motivates your page visitors to Tip you or to increase the amount of the Tip they had originally planned to give you. Generally speaking, we can summarize in two points what characterizes a good goal on Tipeee: it must seem achievable in view of your current fundraising, and it must lead to an improvement in your content for the Tippers.
A few tips to get you started:
Indicate several objectives, short, medium and long term

For the goals on your page to encourage to get involved, they need to be both realistic and ambitious. They should set out milestones for your project, up to a horizon. If you only have a small short-term goal, your community will quickly feel that your goal on Tipeee has been reached. On the other hand, a single huge goal will make them think that their few euros won’t do much… On your Tipeee page, you can accumulate several goals simultaneously, and the progress bar for each of them will increase as your Tippers support you.
For this reason, try to structure your objectives in several “phases” of the project, specifying each time the benefit that the content, and therefore the community, will derive from them. You can also explain in detail why you are setting these objectives and what they will achieve in the presentation section of your page.
Set up structural targets
Avoid one-off goals and favour structural, ongoing goals to encourage your community to support you over the long term with a recurring Tip. If your only goal is “Buy a microphone to get better sound” for a total of €200, then your community will have no reason to tip you once that goal is reached. On the other hand, a goal like “Produce one more episode every week/month” for a total of €200 per month will encourage your community to support you on a recurring basis.
Present your objectives from the perspective of the Tippers
It sounds very basic, but it is very important: always remember to emphasise the added value that achieving the goal would bring for the Tippers themselves. Not only does this help your community understand how their support will help you improve your content and working conditions, but it is also a great way to get your community even more involved, as they know that their Tip will indirectly contribute to improving the content they will consume in the future.
Your goals can be collective rewards
This is a very important aspect of the goals, which is too often neglected.
Regularly update your goals
Just like your Tips counter, the progress bar of your goals is updated at the beginning of each month. Indeed, the goal always displays in real time the percentage reached in relation to the amount collected displayed on your page.
Let’s take an example: in June, you received €100 in one-off tips and €100 in recurring tips. You had created a goal of €200 for the purchase of a new microphone. In June, your objective was therefore 100% fulfilled. However, at the beginning of July, all one-off tips will be removed from the amount collected. Thus, the progress bar of your goal will go back down to 50%. This is why it is important to always keep an eye on your goals and their progress, especially at the end of the month. This will allow you to remove, update or add goals as some are reached.
Regularly updating your goals will give your tippers confidence that they will know how their Tips will be spent and will motivate them to continue to support you regularly. On the other hand, if your goals are not updated and a Tipper notices that your €200 goal has been filling up and emptying out again for several months, he will have doubts about where his Tips are really going and this could dissuade him from continuing to support you. This is also the reason why we advise you to favour structural goals, as they require less follow-up than a goal that could be described as “one-off”.