How to write a good presentation?

Your Tipeee page is made up of several elements; the presentation is the central part of it, it is what will first catch the eyes of your future tippers. In most cases, it takes up the most space and is crucial to your campaign. A sloppy or shoddy presentation will make people reluctant to support you. But don’t panic, scroll down and discover all the keys to creating a highly effective presentation!
What is the point of a presentation?

Hold on to your hats, this is going to be amazing: the presentation is for… presenting your project! Ain’t that crazy?
More seriously, the presentation is what visitors of your Tipeee page will see first. It will give them a brief overview of your project, your world, but also and above all the practical reality of your activity. Through it, you will give your (future) tippers an idea of the issues surrounding the production of your content. It is therefore also a way for you to involve your community in your project, to establish a real climate of trust.
Let’s face it, the presentation is not just for decoration, the main idea is to convince your community to join the adventure with you. In this respect, we have put together some tips to help you create THE presentation.
Present your project to people who already know it
As you may have read in the article “How to launch my Tipeee campaign?” the vast majority of visitors to your Tipeee page are members of your community. That’s why it’s important to let your followers know about your campaign, thanks to dedicated content and links in your social network descriptions in particular. If they landed on your page, it means you did well with your communication, congratulations 🥳.
Since your community members already know you, it is important to adapt the text of your description. From then on, the idea is more to explain than to describe; go beyond the “what” and reach the “why”. Your tippers want to find out about your background, the reasons that led you to embark on this project, what you are doing today, what it is costing you (in terms of time, investment, structural costs), what you would like to do if you had the means. Being able to show your subscribers the day-to-day and behind-the-scenes aspects of the channel/podcast/blog/site they love will not only make them feel more involved in your project, but also help them understand why you need support.
Your page will be visited by your followers. They already know and like your content. Adapt your presentation. It’s no longer enough to describe your project, but to explain the background: your journey, your challenges, your needs, your plans.
Put a positive spin on your speech

In essence, you signed up for Tipeee to get financial support from members of your community. But in form, your Tipeee campaign is about asking them to join you in shaping the future of your YouTube channel, comic book series, blog or online media together. Be careful about the tone of your presentation so that your followers do not get the impression that you are feeling sorry for yourself as a creator. Instead, try to “take them along for the ride”. Present the development of your content as an exciting challenge to be taken up with them: together, you will give life to a beautiful project, sustainable, qualitative, independent and true to your values!
At this point, you must be thinking “but they wrote just above that we should talk about the obstacles we faced, and now they tell us not to complain!” Don’t get me wrong, you can tell your community about the difficulties you face. Here, it is the tone that is important: if they feel you are demotivated, your community will not necessarily want to get involved in your adventure. On the other hand, if you explain that your microphone is no longer working, that you cannot finance it yourself, but that you can’t wait to be able to afford it so that you can offer your community a better quality podcast, then you will find it easier to unite your community around your goal.
Too much negativity devalues your project and does not make people want to support you. Turn your speech in an optimistic manner, highlighting possible prospects rather than dwelling on the current limitations.
Throw us right into your world

People who landed on your Tipeee page are most likely there because they like what you offer, your content and your world. Try to make them feel “at home” or rather like they are on your YouTube channel, in your comic book series, in your blog or in your online media. The idea is to keep them immersed in your world even on your Tipeee page. Do you offer super colourful comics? Build your Tipeee page with these same colours, why not even with images of the main character of one of your comics? Do you address your community in a completely wacky tone, or, on the contrary, in a very formal way? Keep the same tone on your page. Also make sure that your presentation is coherent with the other elements that make up your page and structure your campaign: your rewards and objectives.
For even greater customisation, you can also insert your presentation in the form of a large image in the central column of your Tipeee page. This can allow you to preserve as much as possible the visual identity of your world: your logo, your font, your way of presenting a text (split into columns, insert of a comic strip extract, etc.). You can find examples of pages that have been presented using this technique by clicking here and there.
Treat your presentation as one of your contents, add your touch, your tone, your colours, your expressions. Show your community that this is your home!
Speak in the first person
It sounds silly, but nothing would be more awkward than writing the description of your own Tipeee page in the third person. First of all, you won’t fool anyone with this crude manoeuvre, but above all, presenting yourself in the first person prevents you from establishing too much of a top-down relationship between you and your Tippers. Talking to your Tippers in the third person is counter-productive as it creates a distance between you that prevents your Tippers from feeling confident and does not allow them to feel involved in your project.
Introduce the people behind the project

On Tipeee, and contrary to what can be observed on “traditional” crowdfunding platforms, communities generally come to support people who carry projects, who embody them, more than the projects themselves.
It is also very important to present the people involved in the project. This humanises your campaign, gives it substance, and allows you (as with the previous tip) to establish a horizontal and direct relationship between you and your Tippers. When your followers realize that your videos could not be what they are without your video editor, or that your website could not be as pleasant to navigate without the help of your developer, they become aware of the scale of your project and the importance of their support.
Be educational and transparent
As you read earlier, to convince your community to join you in the adventure on Tipeee, you will have to explain the conditions under which you are working, and what you are going to do with the Tips that will be given to you: renting professional software, buying equipment, travel expenses, using service providers, etc. Don’t forget to systematically specify the benefits for the project: a new microphone for better sound, a person to help me make professional quality edits, etc.
Take the time to explain why and for what purpose you are launching this campaign on Tipeee. This is how you will convince your audience that their Tips are helping to secure and develop your project.
To conclude, as you will have understood, the most important thing is to create a presentation that will appeal to your community and be in line with the spirit of your content. The idea is to remain authentic and to present your project and its future in detail to convince your followers to join you in this adventure. Don’t hesitate to take inspiration from the pages of other creators and to consult our articles on rewards and goals, for a harmonious and original Tipeee page.